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Love bug - where did it go?

Where are the Lovebugs and Will They Ever Come Back?

Plecia nearctica, aka the lovebug, is an insect that Central Floridians usually see twice per year during their mating seasons. In fact, the reason they are nicknamed “lovebugs” is because we only see them when they are mating. This is when the air is clouded with swarms of these things. They look like they are stuck together because this is how they mate. But where have they been lately?

For the most part, lovebugs have been absent the last few years. We’ve seen some here or there but not in the number we have traditionally seen in the past. So what gives?

In an interview with Norman Leppla, a professor with the University of Florida’s Department of Entomology and Nematology, he stated that he is not totally sure what has happened to the lovebug. He went on to say that his initial reaction was that perhaps it was a natural waning of the bug and that they would come back in substantial numbers in future years. But here we are a full year after that interview and still no lovebugs.

Leppla also stated that no money has been allocated to study what has happened to the lovebugs. Amateur sleuths online are guess that somehow mosquitoes insecticides have affected the population of lovebugs but no one is sure why this has not happened in years past. Lucky for us, lovebugs are not depended on as a pollinator like bees are. But still, should we be worried about the disappearance of the lovebug?

In 2018, Leppla wrote an article called “Living with Lovebugs” where he detailed his fascination with this insect, one which developed way back in 1972. Now, he says that he is considering writing a sequel titles “Living without LoveBugs”.

Only time will tell if this is a temporary happening or if it is permanent. Hopefully, in the meantime, funds will be assembled so that professionals can study the disappearance of the familiar insect.


17 Sep

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