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Tips for Avoiding Heat Stroke

In this article we will deviate from our regular topics of pests and pest control. Today we will focus on heat stroke and the best ways to avoid it. Why are we writing an article on this topic? Well, its Florida, and many of us will be spending a lot more time outdoors for the spring and summer months. Typically, this is when most of us get vacation time, kids are out of school and the days are longer. But, it is also the hottest time of the year and that means more risk for heat stroke.

What Exactly is Heat Stroke?

It is a condition that occurs when you are exposed to very high temperatures and your body’s cooling mechanisms are no longer able to keep up. Your body shuts down and you can be rendered unconscious and develop a very serious fever. You have heard of hypothermia? Well, heat stroke is hyperthermia. And both conditions can be seriously damaging and may even result in death.

Tips for Avoiding Heat Stroke

  • Anytime the actual temperature or heat index is over 90 degrees be alert. This is the temperature over which heat stroke mostly occurs.
  • Drink plenty of water, avoid caffeine drinks and alcoholic beverages. These two items may increase your susceptibility to heat stroke.
  • If you must be outdoors and in the sun, take frequent shade breaks. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Elderly people and infants are more likely to be victim of heat stroke.
  • Certain medications can increase the likelihood of heat stroke. Make sure to see if your medicines warn about exposure to sunlight or heat.

What to Do if Feeling Faint

  • Get out of heat quickly.
  • Drink water right away.
  • Remove heavy clothing.
  • Put on an electric fan.
  • Use wet sponge to cool skin.
  • Call 911 if you believe you may be having heat stroke.

Once you suffer heat stroke you will become more likely to have one again so it is important that once you have had one stay out of the sun and heat.

Medicines That Increase Risk of Heat Stroke

  1. Allergy medicines
  2. Cough and cold medicines
  3. Some blood pressure and heart medicines
  4. Diet pills (amphetamines)
  5. Irritable bladder and irritable bowel medicines
  6. Laxatives
  7. Some mental health medicines
  8. Seizure medicines
  9. Thyroid pills
  10. Water pills
08 May

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