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Ways to stop attracting roaches

These Things May be Attracting Roaches to Your Home

Roaches are a big part of our business. These insects are some of the toughest organisms on the planet and reproduce in huge numbers. They are the ultimate scavenger and if you look at their purpose from a environmental standpoint, it’s simply to consume and break down any organic matter left sitting around.

This insect is tough and munches on material which we would find toxic and extreme. This is in partly why they are a danger to humans. Roaches slither through old dirty pipes, meander through dirty crawl spaces and have no problem camping out on animal droppings. This behavior makes them a carrier for toxic bacteria such as listeria and salmonella. They do most of their damage simply by crawling on surfaces which we end up touching.

So, what attracts these dirty little creatures into our homes? I mean, we all know that leaving food and crumbs laying around is a surefire way to invite them, but what else are we doing that we may not realize is a big neon sign for roaches?


The Toilet Bowl

Having a dirty toilet bowl is one way to attract roaches. This is because they can sense the waste material. It doesn’t matter if it is urine or solid matter, the roach will be attracted just the same. Unfortunately, this means leaving urine in the bowl over night attracts roaches too.

Whether you are trying to conserve water or just trying not to wake your spouse, the reason is unimportant. The fact that there is human waste of any kind sitting in the bowl is enough to bring all the roaches to the yard.


Garbage Disposal

This handy device helps us break down solid foods left over from meals so that we can wash our dishes faster and more effectively. Sharp blades are powered by a motor that minces the solid material into tiny pieces which can then can be washed away easily. However, if this appliance is not used properly or cleaned from time to time, it may be very inviting to pests such as roaches.

Make sure to run the device until all matter within is processed. Also, make sure to run the water for at least 10 seconds after you run the disposal so that all debris is washed away.

You can clean this device by running vinegar and baking soda through it from time to time. You can also uninstall it and have it cleaned professionally if you like.


Pet Food

Having a furry little animal running around your home is fun. A pet can be a welcomed member of the household. So, we put out a tray of food and water so our little friend never goes without. But, the food and water are also highly valuable to scavengers such as roaches too. It doesn’t matter if the food is wet or dry, the roach will love it just the same.

A good idea is to only put food out for your pet when it is feeding time. At the very least, put the food tray away for the night whenever you cannot keep an eye on it. This is the perfect time for roaches to try to eat it. They love to operate at night when humans are asleep.


11 Nov

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