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Termite Swarms in Central Florida

Central Florida is indeed home to a lot of termites and today we’ll discuss why this is happening. There are many types of termites in Florida and some of the prominent ones are the nose termites, Formosan termites, subterranean termites, dampwood termites and also the drywood termites. Out of these varieties the subterranean, dampwood and the drywood species of termites are most widely seen in this area.

Pest control services have been summoned continuously in many Central Florida homes due to immense damage these tiny creatures do to big buildings, houses and all types of wooden structures. Central Florida is an ideal spot for termites because of the warm weather that remains humid for most of the year. Abundant rainfall, sunny days and moist atmosphere appear to provide favorable conditions for termites to swarm and thrive successfully.

The different types of termites swarm at different times of the year and even at different times of day. For example, you’ll find that drywood termites swarm from April to July and only at night. Subterranean termites, on the other hand, usually swarm during daylight in March, April, May and June.

Therefore pest control must be a year-round undertaking in central Florida. We cannot expect termites altogether at one particular time. Different species swarm in contrasting styles, and that has made life difficult for the good people of central Florida. If you suspect that your home is at risk of termites the only way to know for sure is to hire a pest control professional to inspect your property thoroughly. Even if your home is termite free Sunstate Pest Management can recommend treatments which will protect your investment.

Some of the damages that termites tend to create in your house are:

*Eating up your furniture like tables, chairs and bed stands etc.
*Eating up any wooden sculptures you have in your house or office building.
*They love to devour moist wood inside the main wooden frame. Most termites eat inside the wood flesh and keep the covering nibble-free and for this reason it can be difficult to identify a termite infestation until it’s too late.

Pest control measures must be taken in the following manner to get rid of these pests:

One normal method is to use chemicals. In this method you’ll mix soil with some insecticides and apply that to probable areas of entrance and exit. The problem with this method is that many times the homeowner doesn’t know where to apply the product and what’s more the insecticide poses a risk to his pets and children if he chooses the wrong brand. If you decide to take this approach it’s best to consult with an experienced pest control professional.

Another effective technique is to lure the termites by providing baits. There are bait systems known which create special bait stations and these bait systems can be an effective way to eliminate an existing termite colony if installed properly.

While bait traps should be installed inside or under buildings afflicted with termites, you should also try to locate places in your garden like ditches, trees, moist and dirty decayed remains of plants, etc. These provide very comfortable and safe hideouts for termites and other pests. If you do not clear them out of your garden in time, they could form an underground path to your central Florida home where they start destroying all of the wooden frames before you realize they’ve arrived.

23 Jan

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