a number of common household undesired animals that usually come in the forms of rats and mice
If your child seems to have asthma that won’t get better even with treatment, it may be due to pests. Certain pests can worsen allergy and asthma symptoms. There is hard scientific evidence that the presence of pests in your home will agitate your child’s asthma and/or allergies. In this article we will go over […]
As with many things in life, the answer to the question above is subjective. Some people just see little rodents that run around their yard while others see squirrels as their pet. Do we get calls about squirrels? Almost never. If people end up with squirrels in their attic or something they usually patch the […]
Most Central Floridians don’t mind the cool off that comes with December and January. It gets just cool enough where we welcome the return to the 70 and 80 degrees in March and April. At night it can get down close to freezing for a week or two on end. This causes all animals to […]
Even though it has officially been hurricane season for a full three months, we are just now starting to see major action in the Atlantic hurricane corridor. As I write this article, Hurricane Florence is bearing down on the United States. Early storm models show that it will most certainly hit the Carolina region of […]
Soon the rains will begin to fall and restore the brown grass and dry patches all over Florida to a luscious green color. The rain has been very sparse this year here in Brevard County so much so that there were even brush fires in Palm Bay yesterday. But when the rains do return the […]
It’s almost April here in sunny central Florida. The weather is heating up and the spring showers are right around the corner. For pests, the heat and moisture are triggers to start eating and reproducing. This article will discuss some things you can do to minimize your risk of pest infestation. Basically what we are […]
Do you have a household under constant attack from mice and rats? Confused what to do about the issue at hand? Well, here are some answers for you! Put Away the Food A big reason mice and rodents come into your house is because you have food. Step one is making sure that all your […]
Central Florida is warm. With the warm weather comes numerous types of pests. These pests are generally not welcomed inside the home, so a problem occurs when they come in and make themselves comfortable. There are many pests that are found within the area, and when a homeowner is knowledgeable on which pests these are, […]
Rodents are an issue almost everywhere throughout the country. Everything from mice to rats, possums and raccoons. Rodents are going to continue to be an issue as long as there is trash and a warm place for them to sleep inside the home. Many of these rodents carry diseases, so it is especially important to […]
Nobody wants a house that’s infested with mice, but when it gets cold outside it’s a pretty common problem for homeowners. If you suffer from a mouse infestation, consider using the following tips and tricks to get rid of it and prevent it in the future. Block Entrances The best way to keep mice out […]