a number of common household undesired animals that usually come in the forms of rats and mice
The term “exterminator” is one that is widely used and basically means a person or company which specializes in neutralizing pests. You would see the term used a lot more in years past to describe basically any company which handled pest problems. Today, pest control is used to describe a company which will work to […]
Sometimes the first noticeable sign people have of a rodent infestation is that the electrical wiring in their home has chew marks. If they have pets they may attribute the chewing to them. But many people who don’t have pets instantly become alarmed when they see the chew marks. So, first we would like to […]
Hawks are not typically considered a traditional pest. But people with small dogs and other small pets definitely should consider them so. A hawk or other bird of prey can swoop into your yard and nab a small dog in just a few seconds. People who lose small dogs often think it ran away but […]
In case you haven’t heard I am here to tell you that there is a cold spell coming. Tonight, as you sleep, temperatures will begin to drop moreso than usual. At 7 am it will be 46 degrees in the Brevard County area. The high temperature on Tuesday will be 57 degrees. All living creatures […]
“Garages or carports are common for households living in single-detached units–just over three in four of these homes (76 percent).”. This information is provided by census.gov. Your garage or covered space is an attractive place for animals looking to come in from the rain, so to speak. They see this big open space which provides […]
Raccoons appear to be cute little animals wearing their trademark “robber’s mask” while they meander around the yard. But, Raccoons can cause homeowners a lot of headaches. The animal can be a nuisance when it comes to destroying property. They get into trash, under the house, into the attic. But, Raccoons can be more than […]
As well as treating many homes in Brevard County, Sunstate Pest also treats a large number of businesses as well. One type of business in particular is especially attractive to pests. Restaurants are a beacon for any living organism. The place offers shelter, food and water. As the temperatures can creep down into the 30’s […]
Chances are you or someone in your household has a storage space that you rent from a storage space company. You may rent this space for any one of many reasons. But usually the reason people rent these spaces goes something like this: I need a climate controlled space for items that are financially or […]
We are in the pest control business and have been for forty years. We know pests. We also know our customers. Over the years we have conversed with thousands of people who have attempted to solve their own pest problem but failed. They then, smartly, contacted a professional. Here are some of the problems associated […]
One of the many pests that you can get at your home, farm or business are rodents. Rats terrify more people than others, largely because of the history associated with it. Rats are responsible for millions of human deaths in the past because they carried disease. Today, getting disease from rats is less of a […]