county in the state of Florida; borders Volusia county to the North, Orange and Osceola counties to the West, the Indian River county to the South, and the Atlantic Ocean to the East
In case you haven’t heard I am here to tell you that there is a cold spell coming. Tonight, as you sleep, temperatures will begin to drop moreso than usual. At 7 am it will be 46 degrees in the Brevard County area. The high temperature on Tuesday will be 57 degrees. All living creatures […]
Most Central and Southern Florida residents are aware of the iguana situation which has cropped up in the last couple decades. The pest didn’t exist freely in nature when I lived in Broward and Dade county as a kid in the 1980’s and early 1990’s. But an overturned pet transport trucks and irresponsible iguana owners […]
Cockroaches are nature’s most persistent scavenger insect. In fact, the cockroach has been on Earth a staggering 300 million years. They live everywhere on Earth except Antarctica. There are over 4600 species of this insect. So, what makes them so plentiful? The cockroach is built like a machine. It’s dome-like exoskeleton makes it extremely tough […]
If you are a homeowner you probably know some information about termites. You are aware of the damage they can do and you are probably aware that preventative measures must be taken in order to keep them from attacking your home. Heaven forbid you have ever have an infestation. But if you have, you may […]
Often times we live in or around areas and have never known their history. We just accept that a place exists and go about our every day life. That would be the general experience revolving around the town called Viera, Florida right here in Brevard County. So, what is Viera? When did it begin? Who […]
Cape Canaveral has been the most active rocket launching location in the United States for many decades. The location was chosen in 1950. Prior to that, the U.S. government was launching rockets at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. A new location was needed because of the uncertainty of rocketry. They needed to launch […]
If you have had a run in with fire ants in your yard or elsewhere in Brevard County, you know that it is not a pleasurable experience at all. Sometimes you don’t even know these things have crawled on you until they start biting. And boy does it hurt. Not only does it hurt while […]
One of the areas we serve is the City if Melbourne. Sunstate Pest has been serving Melbourne for 40 years. We have seen the city grow and change in that time. But one thing that has not changed are pests. That’s why you can count on Sunstate Pest for pest control in your home or […]
According to the Washington Post, 68% of households have a cat or dog. Some have both. In this article we want to name the pests that affect your furry buddy the most. Which pests are most harmful to your faithful companion? Fleas Fleas absolutely love cat and dog fur. The flea is able to live […]
A side effect of much less automobile traffic is that there have been less animals hit by them on the roads. This number is actually significant enough that homeowners are reporting an uptick in home and garden pests nationwide. The phenomenon is especially being noticed up and down the east coast and even written about […]