When thinking of pest management services, you most likely think of all the creepy critters you don’t want hanging around inside your home; rodents, roaches, and termites to name a few. At Sunstate Pest Management, we think outside the box and outside the home with our premiere lawn care program. Your lawn is one the first things visitors and passersby see when looking at your home. Keeping it healthy and well-kept is an easy and important way to keep your property looking its best. Taking into consideration all of the various weather and soil conditions unique to Florida, Sunstate takes every element into consideration.
Starting with micro-nutrients to ensure a strong healthy lawn beginning at the roots is only the first step. In addition, this type of application will help to prevent the growth of weeds and fungus and will also inhibit insects. A pale and unhealthy looking lawn doesn’t look inviting and is already more susceptible to attack so don’t wait until you start seeing these signs to think about a micro-nutrient treatment. Sunstate uses custom blends of both environmentally friendly liquid and granular fertilizers which vary depending on your individual lawn care needs and the season of the year. Taking the time testing your soil and figuring out the nutrient ratios of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous is not a way to spend the weekend, let the professional take care of your lawn’s needs!
Now that Fall is officially here, you might be wondering why its necessary to spend additional time on in your yard. While grass doesn’t grow as fast as the weather gets cooler it still needs the proper nutrients which are different than those needed during the peak heat of the summer. It is also the perfect time to take care of weeds as their growth also slows with the cooler weather and insects are always in season! Along with Sunstate’s unique fertilizer blends, insect controls are also used in conjunction with weed controlling herbicides. Chinch bugs (who cause yellowing and eventually dead, brown grass) and mole crickets (who damage seedlings, aboveground foliage, and underground roots and tubers) are the most common pests seen this time of year.
The best thing about taking care of your lawn in the fall and winter months is that it will be stronger and healthier for the stressful hot and humid spring and summer weather. A little care now will go a long way in the future. Keep your home beautiful inside and out by calling Sunstate!