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The indestructible roach

Just How Indestructible are Cockroaches?

Most of us have heard someone say that if there were ever a nuclear war, that cockroaches would be the only living creature to survive. The testament is meant to convey just how rugged and robust this species of insect is. They are survivors to the maximum degree.

Roaches are nature’s bottom rung scavenger insect. They will feast on just about anything and live. No amount of stored energy in organic form will lay around long before a roach feasts on it. This wouldn’t be such a big deal to us humans if it weren’t for the fact that roaches bring disease with them.

Humans can contract a number of illnesses and bacteria from cockroaches, including:

Salmonellosis – Salmonella bacteria cause a disease that resembles food poisoning. Cockroaches can pick up this bacteria by eating tainted food and crawling through dirt.

Dysentery – a form of gastroenteritis that results in bloody diarrhea. Without medical intervention, the majority of people recover in a week.

Typhoid fever –  is a common illness in areas with inadequate sanitation that is brought on by the salmonella bacteria. Constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, fever, and stomach pain are some of the symptoms.

The cholera virus – a severe diarrheal illness brought on by the Enterohaemorrhagic E. Coli (EHEC) bacteria. This bacterium can contaminate food because cockroaches carry it in their feces.

Leprosy – caused by Mycobacterium leprae, which is spread by cockroaches through their excrement.

Listeria monocytogenes –  is the bacterium that causes listeriosis, a dangerous infection. It is typically acquired through the consumption of tainted food and beverages.

The plague – caused by the Yersinia pestis bacteria. Muscle cramps, fever, and enlarged lymph nodes are among the symptoms. Plague can be lethal if antibiotics are not taken right away.

Campylobacteriosis – is brought on by eating food contaminated by the Campylobacterium. Disease is spread by cockroaches through shedding, droppings, and direct contact.

Cockroach infestations can be avoided by keeping areas clean, caulking entryways, and managing populations with baits and traps.

How Tough are Roaches?

  • A cockroach can lose its head and still live up to two weeks.
  • A cockroach can live in temperatures down to -15 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • A cockroach can live up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

Natural antibiotics found in cockroach brains have the ability to eradicate harmful strains of E. coli and bacteria like MRSA. Researchers have discovered that the nine antibacterial molecules found in cockroach brains are each specifically designed to eliminate a particular kind of bacteria.

Their organs are contained within a very tough exoskeleton. Essentially they are like a little tank scurrying around. Anyway who has ever stepped on one and watched them still be able to run away knows what I mean.


Cockroach Treatment

Roaches can be trapped in roach hotels, poisoned with bait or sprays, or they can can even be heated to the point where they die. In fact, some treatments consist of super heating a building for a few hours to temperatures above 140 degrees. Of course, any temperature sensitive objects within the building would need to be removed first.

Call your local pest control agent in Brevard County to get an estimate on how much monthly roach treatment will be. Chances are, it’s much more affordable than you may think.



25 Nov

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