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pest control stats florida

Interesting Stats Regarding Pests and Pest Control in Florida

As you can probably guess, pests are more common in the Sunshine State than just about anywhere in the country. The weather is warm most of the year and there are plenty of food and water sources for them. The same thing that makes Florida attractive to humans also makes it ideal for pests.

In this article we want to go over some of the more interesting statistics involving pests and pest control for the state of Florida. We use various sources for this information including our own experiences.


There are over 24,000 monthly searches for pest control in the state of Florida. The further south you go the more searches are conducted.

Florida has the most pest control companies of any state. There are almost 1,000 pest control companies in the Sunshine State. They employ over 18,000 Florida residents and account for 14% of the entire nation’s pest control employees.

Roaches make up the more pest control cases than any other pest. The German cockroach is the most prolific of the roach species in our state. A female German cockroach can lay over 300,000 eggs in her lifetime and only needs to mate once to fertilize all of them.

Florida is widely considered the state with the most damage caused by termites.

Every month on average there are 5,400 searches for bed bug treatment and solutions in our state. There are 3,600 searches for fleas and 2,600 searches for ants.

Florida is the second worst state for silverfish, spiders, termites, and millipede infestations on a per capita basis.


So what does all of this mean? It basically means you need to stay vigilant in your quest to keep your home pest-free. Do all of the little things that keep pests at bay. Hire a pest control company to give a monthly or bi-monthly treatment to your structure. We usually take less than 10 minutes to accomplish their task and the fees are very affordable.

02 Dec

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