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Roaches treatment time

How Long Does it Take Us to Get Rid of Roaches?

You’ve bought the sprays. You’ve tried the baits. Nothing seems to work with your roach problem. Bite the bullet and call your pest control specialist in Brevard County. We know exactly what it takes to eliminate your current roach population and prevent a new one from forming.

People are often able to kill a few roaches on their own and make a temporary improvement to their situation. However, they are not able to make a dent on the roach nest and prevent the next generation from coming along. This is where we specialize. Getting rid of roaches now and preventing them from returning is our bread and butter.

Roach treatment is a multi-faceted approach. We treat the living areas as well as areas of your home where the roaches may be living freely away from human eyes. We use baits and sprays that are designed to kill the roaches and the entire nest. The timetable can vary depending on the severity of the infestation as well as the size of the property. But for the purposes of this article we will give averages.

Initial Treatment

The first treatment will kill many roaches almost instantly. It will also give them some bait to bring back to roach headquarters.

Second Treatment

Anywhere from 2-4 weeks after the initial treatment, your pest control specialist will want to return and check on the progress as well as administer another treatment. These first two treatments will kill a majority of your roaches.

Subsequent Treatments

These treatments will need to be done every month to make sure the roach nest is destroyed and that others have not moved in. It’s safe to say that within 3 months or so, your roach issue should be well under control and you should not be seeing them around anymore. Preventative treatments will be required at least bi-monthly to keep roaches away.

If your roach problem isn’t completely solved in around 3 months time, your pest control specialist may want to change strategies. Also, you may want to consider changing companies if they have not been effective in that period of time.

Kinds of Cockroaches You Will Find in Florida

  • German cockroach
  • American cockroach
  • Asian cockroach
  • Australian cockroach
  • Smokybrown cockroach

As you can see, we have quite the eclectic grouping of roach species. Roaches are aggressive scavengers and make their way around the globe munching on almost anything biological or decomposing in nature.


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09 Sep

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