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Hornet and Wasp Nests

Did you see the article about the people in Texas that found a huge hornet nest in an old trailer?  This trailer had been sitting on their property, unattended, for 10 years.  When they decided to remodel it, they opened the door and came face-to-face with a hornet’s nest that filled the trailer.  It is probably safe to assume they knew there might be some hornets in the trailer because the nest started on the outside of the trailer.  They certainly didn’t expect what they found.

This huge hornet’s nest is not the first one that has made the news.  There have been stories about others.  It seems that hornets and wasps like to build in areas that are covered, like eaves, porches, shade trees, etc.  That unattended trailer was perfect for their expanding hive.

Hornets and wasps are dangerous pests because they have the capability to sting numerous times, not just once.  Even if someone is not allergic to a bee sting, they can have serious health complications when receiving numerous stings.  It’s always best to wear protective clothing if you anticipate the possibility of being stung.

What can you do if you notice a hornet or wasp nest on your property?  If you are comfortable in dealing with it, there are some things you can do.  Hornets and wasps go to the hive at night and sleep.  This makes dusk and dawn the optimum time to attack them.  With a pesticide spray for hornets and wasps spray the nest. These pesticides are made to kill the hornet or wasp instantly.   Start a reasonable distance away and move towards the nest as you spray.  Don’t’ forget to wear breathing protection.  The object is to soak the nest.  You are soaking the nest to get to all the hornets and wasps.  After the nest is soaked, let it sit there.  Returning hornets and wasps will be killed by the pesticide as well.  Once the nest is dormant, cut it down and place it in a plastic garbage bag that has also been sprayed with the pesticide.  Close the bag and burn it.  It goes without saying that if swarming activity starts when you start spraying, get away.

For those who do not want to deal with the nest personally, or are allergic to bee stings, the smartest thing to do would be to contact a pest control specialist.  They have the tools to handle this tricky situation.

05 Apr

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