Rodents are small mammals that can spread and carry diseases.
If you live in Florida, you will face a pest problem at some time in your life. Whether it be an infestation of ants, roaches, fleas, mites, or any number of rodent varieties, you will have your work cut out for you getting rid of them. Prevention is always the best way to deal with […]
We often write our blogs about pest control as pertaining to apartment buildings, homes or business spaces. One type of living space often not mentioned by pest control articles is assisted living complexes. These buildings offer their own unique set of challenges for those looking to control pests. In this article we will go over […]
You have just discovered feces in your attic, crawlspace, garage or even worse – your house. How can you tell if it is a mouse or a rat? Being able to tell the two apart can be a bit troubling for some people. This is because different species of mouse and rat grow to be […]
America is a large country. It is bordered by the two largest oceans in the world, one on each side. Her trade with other countries ranks near the top of any country in the world. This has been the case for over a century. Naturally any hardy pest will have found its way over to […]
Squirrels are little animals which you can find in most any neighborhood in North America. Many people find them endearing and even feed them regularly. Some people do not find them so great, especially when there are a lot of them in a relatively small area. Squirrels are in fact a rodent. And as such […]
Owls are like having your very own pest control agent living in the trees. The more owls you have in your area, the less trouble you will have with small rodents. This is because owls prefer to eat small rodents such as mice or rats over any other food option. The owl uses its superior […]
If you are running a business in which customers visit the premises, having good pest control is a must. In fact, it should be considered as important to your business as having running water or electricity. In the age of social media and Google search, it only take one bad inspection or one customer run-in […]
Sometimes the first noticeable sign people have of a rodent infestation is that the electrical wiring in their home has chew marks. If they have pets they may attribute the chewing to them. But many people who don’t have pets instantly become alarmed when they see the chew marks. So, first we would like to […]
Hawks are not typically considered a traditional pest. But people with small dogs and other small pets definitely should consider them so. A hawk or other bird of prey can swoop into your yard and nab a small dog in just a few seconds. People who lose small dogs often think it ran away but […]
The skunk is an animal that protects itself with a very strong spray which emanates from glands found on its rear end. We have all smelled the skunk smell on the highway or when walking your pet. Because the chemical it releases is so strong, the smell lasts for hours or even days. A direct […]