reptiles are cold blooded creatures such as snakes, frogs, lizards and alligators. If you have a problem with a pest that is a reptile we can solve it.
Snakes are good for keeping rodent populations down and bringing balance into nature. They typically want to avoid human contact as much as possible. But, we tend to run into one another from time to time. The problem with snake and human interaction is that some snakes (very few) are deadly. Their bite can send […]
In Central Florida, we are very familiar with reptiles and amphibians. You don’t have to travel far from your front door to find them before you will run into one or the other. In fact, many people don’t have to leave their house at all. Frogs and especially lizards have a tendency to find their […]
Last month we wrote two articles about snakes in Florida. Both articles were about non-venomous snakes you could find within the state. So, it is only fitting that for our third part of the snakes in Florida series, we write about the some venomous snakes. In this article we will go over both types of […]
If you live in Florida and like snakes, congratulations, because Florida is one of the best U.S. states to find snakes. The warm climate and wide open expanses of marshland cause snakes to thrive here. Also, their food supply, which usually consists of smaller creatures, is in great supply as well. If you do not […]
The Tegu lizard is a large reptile that can grow to be 3-4 long. It’s native land is Argentina, South America. They have been spotted in South Florida for years but apparently have made their way up the state and are now being spotted in small numbers in Brevard County. Lats year there was big […]
The other day I went for a nature hike through some wooded trails. I encountered no less than three snakes in this 60 minute trek. Each one of them scattered when they realized I was walking down the path. People tend to think of snakes as an aggressive creature that is dangerous, and in some […]
We’ve all heard that we are surrounded by “invasive species” before. But, what exactly does “invasive species” actually mean? Basically it means a plant, animal or fungus that has spread to an area by human activity. The implication is that this activity is harmful because the life form is introduced into an environment artificially and […]
While some people don’t mind snakes, there is a large majority that harbor the same feelings toward them as Indiana Jones, and would rather not have them around. There are 45 species of snakes in Florida, six of them venomous. Many of these snakes reside in Melbourne and the surrounding areas of Cocoa and Cocoa […]
When it comes to the summer, it also means that the snakes might be hanging out around your yard. This is something that you might not feel too good about. You do not want to worry about having these slithering friends just sitting there, waiting for you to accidentally step on them and have them […]
Previously we discussed the Copperhead, the Water Moccasin and the Diamondback Rattler as poisonous snakes that are found in Florida. If this wasn’t bad enough, there are 3 more that complete the list. Here is a list and description of the remaining 3. The Timber Rattlesnake. This snake is a large, heavy bodied snake. It […]