The most south eastern state in the United States. Home to millions of people and thousand of miles of coastline and beaches.
Roaches lurk in dark hiding spaces and wait until human activity is at a lull before they come out to feed. That is why the famous cliche scene on TV exists where the lady comes out for a midnight snack, flips on the lights and starts screaming when she sees a huge cockroach. Even if […]
We have been serving the Brevard community for just about 40 years. We have seen a lot of things in that time. Fireworks have always been a part of our celebrations. They are a great way to really get the most out of a celebration. Unfortunately, we have seen reports every year of people who […]
If you live in Central Florida, you probably appreciate the warm winter months that top out at 75 degrees while the rest of the country is going through blizzard like conditions. But, living in a state that is warm all year long is attractive to all life forms, not just humans. For this reason, Floridian’s […]
The start of the 2019 Hurricane season is just a few days away. Hurricanes are a yearly threat to Floridians as we are directly in the path of “Hurricane Alley”. This area is named this because of the disproportionately large amount of hurricanes that occur there, more so than any other part of the world. […]
What is West Nile Virus? It is a single-stranded RNA virus that causes the host to run a fever and have other flu-like symptoms. It is a member of the Flaviviridae family of viruses which contain yellow, dengue and Zika. Other symptoms may include rash, swollen lymph nodes, tremors and even paralysis. The worst cases […]
If you live in Central Florida you were definitely affected by “love bugs” this past week. This little black bug (and their attached mate) swarm the area this time every year for about a week and cover everything with their presence. I noticed that this year was especially bad for my house as they seemed […]
As a home owner or renter, one thing you encounter from time to time is pest invasion. Bugs are trying to gain access to your home for food and shelter. A lot of the time, a resident can stem the pest invasion with some pest repellent, bait, or spray. But once the home gets a […]
When discussing what insects creep people out, the usual examples come up right away. People will talk about spiders, scorpions, stink bugs or anything with a stinger. Another insect that is brought up often is the centipede (and/or its cousin the millipede). People seem to be creeped out by all the moving legs. There is […]
In Central Florida, we are very familiar with reptiles and amphibians. You don’t have to travel far from your front door to find them before you will run into one or the other. In fact, many people don’t have to leave their house at all. Frogs and especially lizards have a tendency to find their […]
The West Nile Virus has been in the public consciousness for some time now. Many people don’t know what it is or how it can affect them. In this article we will explain what it is and what states have been affected by it. The virus is one that infects humans and animals and can […]