Bugs are a general classification of insect or anything creepy crawly that is annoying and can bite etc
Here in Florida, many people have outdoor pools, decks and recreation areas. The decks are made with wood which attracts pests that feed on it. We have written this article to help the deck owner keep their deck in top shape for as long as possible. Wood Starting from the beginning, the new deck owner […]
If your child seems to have asthma that won’t get better even with treatment, it may be due to pests. Certain pests can worsen allergy and asthma symptoms. There is hard scientific evidence that the presence of pests in your home will agitate your child’s asthma and/or allergies. In this article we will go over […]
Living in an apartment or condo is a convenience for many people. They are part of a small community that is sharing the same space. There are benefits to being in close contact with your neighbors. But, there are also some detriments to tighter living quarters. You can share a laugh with a neighbor across […]
If you are reading this, you probably searched the exact keywords used in the article title. Tiny fast black ants, one day they just show up like uninvited in-laws. They start with one or two little strays that you can easily sweep up and get rid of, but then they just keep coming. These tiny […]
The lady bug is the nice little red bug that is good for your yard and garden. It often eats tiny pests that can destroy your plants or grass. It is beneficial and humans have taken a liking to this bug. Then there is the lady beetle. This beetle looks a lot like the ladybug. […]
Almost anywhere you go on Earth you will have to deal with bugs. And a portion of these bugs are biters. Most of them don’t bite for the thrill of it. They felt threatened in some way and reacted in self-defense. Conversely, some bugs may bite you because they want to feast on your blood. […]
You are probably aware of at least one plant (or natural oil from a plant) that humans have been using for many years to repel a particular pest. In this article we will list the top plants that you can add to your yard or garden that are well-known to do so. Marigolds – Calendula, […]
Spring is upon us. You will notice the bees on flowers and those annoying love-bugs doing their thing too. The days get a little longer, the sun gets a little warmer. This time of year activates the gene in all types of creatures. They start to search for food, mate and expand their territory. This […]
Once thought of as a mild annoyance, the tick has shown itself to be very dangerous to humans and animals in recent decades. A tick “borrowing” some of your blood to live on is the least of your concerns when it comes to these parasites. They carry diseases that can drastically change the life of […]
You’ve heard the saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That popular saying can apply to many facets of life. One in which it is definitely true is with pest control. Taking an hour now to prevent pest invasion can save you many hours and dollars in the future. We’ve […]