Bugs are a general classification of insect or anything creepy crawly that is annoying and can bite etc
So-called dust bunnies are a peculiar thing. You keep a clean home and do everything you are supposed to, yet when you look under the bed or behind some furniture there are these awful staring back at you. So, what exactly is a dust bunny? To put it simply, dust bunnies are balls of hair, […]
It’s true that when annoying ants, biting insects that fly or spiders get into our house, the risk of getting bitten goes up exponentially. It is also true that not everyone feels comfortable spraying RAID or HotShot around their home, and for good reason. Getting close to the creature with a rolled up newspaper also […]
Unfortunately, the disease called malaria has been rearing its ugly head in the United States again after being all but eradicated. Cases have popped up in both Florida and Texas. As you probably know, the mosquito is the number one transmitter of this sometimes deadly disease. What is Malaria? This disease has plagued humankind for […]
In the past we have tried to keep our readers apprised of any developments in pest, pest news & even wild animal events. You may recall the past article on “murder hornets”, the abnormally large hornet from Africa that started showing up in the U.S. three years ago. Today we have a story about a […]
We all know what ants are. Ants are everywhere in fact. They are found on 6 of the 7 continents and in just about every corner of the Earth. Ants may in fact represent the most numerous of individual organisms on the planet. They can survive some of the harshest environments the planet has to […]
It’s been known for a year that mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide emitted from breathing mammals. However, it’s been suggested and observed that mosquitoes tend to swarm some people while leaving other people mostly alone. Now there is scientific evidence to back up this claim. Well, we should say “more evidence” anyway. That’s because […]
You can’t live anywhere in Florida, or anywhere in the United States for that matter, without knowing what a mosquito is. For Floridians, mosquitoes are a year long problem. But their numbers really grow in the spring and summer. Other flying insects also really thrive in the summer and spring months. In this article we […]
The warm and humid environment of Central Florida offers the ideal breeding habitat for pests, and the months of April and May see a rise in the bugs’ overall activity level. Insects such as ants, termites, and mosquitoes are pests that may destroy property and put people and their pets in danger of contracting diseases. […]
The tiny, multicolored insects known as ladybugs are often seen as a sign of good fortune. Unfortunately, even though ladybugs are harmless, their enormous swarms may be a real pain in the neck if they find their way into your house or garden. In this post, we will address the benefits and drawbacks of ladybugs […]
There are many common pests in the United States that are invasive species, which means they are non-native to the region and have been introduced either intentionally or accidentally. Some of the most well-known invasive pest species in the United States include: Asian longhorned beetle – a wood-boring beetle that attacks and kills a wide […]