It’s spring time. College students are flocking to the beach, azaleas are blooming, orange blossoms are budding on the trees, and northern baseball teams are headed to our area for spring training. It’s also a time when many Floridians have to think about how best to control the dreaded fire ant problem. Luckily, spring is […]
Our pets are not just animals that take up space in our home. Our pets are family. Their health and well-being are extremely important and just like we would take care that our human children are doing well, we also want to make sure our furry children are also doing well. One of the things […]
Most people in Central Florida first notice termites in their house when they see the swarm. You either see the termites flying around the house as they leave the current colony in order to start a new one or you will see dead termites lying on the ground or window sills. These were the ones […]
In this area of Florida, it’s not unusual to look around your back yard and find spots of dead or dying grass. If these spots are yellow or brown in color it may be an indication of a grub infestation. Grubs are the larvae of scarab beetles, June beetles, Japanese beetles or May beetles. These […]
When most people think of outdoor pest control, they often think of termites or fire ants or some other type of small annoying insect that can be managed through proper lawn care. However, there is a larger class of pests that need to be addressed. These include raccoons, skunks, deer, snakes, alligators, armadillos, and other […]
It used to be that pesticides and harsh chemicals were the only option for both making your lawn look beautiful and keeping the pests away from your house. As we learn more about side effects of these old chemicals, such as DDT, we realize that we need something healthier. We want something that not only […]
Luckily for Floridians, Scorpions are not found all that often in central Florida. However, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist in the area, because they absolutely do! The average Floridian will run across one every few years. But every once in a while, someone will either run across several scorpions at once or find evidence […]
In the Kissimmee-St Cloud area of Florida, there are two groups of people: those that have needed professional pest control and those that will need professional pest control. If you’ve never had need of pest control, you can count yourself lucky for the time being, but know that you’re definitely in the minority. So – […]
Believe it or not, “sand flies” is a term that is used to cover any sort of fly that bites and drinks blood. This can be a mosquito, horsefly, gnat, or anything else. They are also known by many names in Palm Bay, Florida. You may have heard them being called sand gnats, no-see-ums or […]
Maggots are nothing but the larvae of any fly. From the time flies are born they are nuisances and unfortunately flies breed quickly and thrive in almost all climatic conditions. In central Florida especially maggots thrive thanks to the heat and humidity and property owners should be vigilant to stem the uprising problem. Responsible, proactive […]