Fire ant bites are something we southerners all know. They sting at first and then a red blister forms with a white head on it. This blister just plain aches. I’ve always popped these blisters that seems to take the pain away. God forbid though that you do not discover these ants are crawling on […]
If you live in Florida and you have a lawn, then you’ve dealt with Dollar Weed. Once Dollar Weed appears in your yard, if left unchecked, you have an entire lawn of nothing but this pest. It spreads quickly, choking out your St, Augustine or Bahia grass. Once there, it is difficult to get rid […]
Citrus is a 9 billion dollar industry in Florida and anything that might threaten the citrus harvest is carefully monitored and managed, if possible. Unfortunately, the Asian Citrus Psyllid is part of a current threat. In March of 2014, the Florida Times Union wrote a story on how the citrus crop this year is estimated […]
No one likes the mosquito. They spread infectious diseases. They bite and their bites can cause us to itch for days at a time. The bottom line is that they are a nuisance and no one wants them around. In many communities, the public works department will spray to kill the larvae. Personal use insecticides […]
“Good Night. Sleep Tight. Don’t let the bedbugs bite! That nursery rhyme is estimated to be over 100 years old, but it’s a sure bet that people more than 100 years ago had to deal with bedbugs. These nasty little creatures like to hide under the covers and feast on human and animal blood while […]
In March in Austin, Texas, approximately 1 million, mostly pregnant free-tailed bats congregate under the Congress Avenue Bridge in order to give birth and raise their young. When October hits, they migrate back to Mexico. During the summer time, visitors to Austin get an eyeful of the bats as they emerge from their hiding places […]
The powder post beetle is a prominent pest in this part of Florida and is actually prevalent in the coastal and southern areas of the United States. They can be found all the way up in Maine, down the eastern coastline, across through Louisiana and Texas, into California and up through into Oregon and Washington […]
For new visitors to Florida, seeing a lizard crawl up the outside of the screen door might provide quite a bit of entertainment. But for anyone that’s lived in Florida for any length of time, seeing a lizard becomes more commonplace. Although there are literally thousands of types of lizards that can be found worldwide, […]
Why are they dangerous? We all know that we don’t want ticks on ourselves or on our pets because they can spread Lyme disease. We also know they are parasitic little bugs. They latch onto our bodies, burrow their heads under the skin and make residence while feasting on our blood. Unfortunately, this is not […]
Florida has a new pest and it’s not a good thing. He’s called the whitefly. He is a little bug with white wings and somewhat resembles a small moth. Unfortunately, this pest not only causes damage to your backyard, it has also spread diseases. It is believed that whitefly infestations have caused millions of dollars […]