Earwigs are little brown insects that grow up to 2 inches long, although most are smaller than 1 inch. They are easily recognized due to the pincers at the end of their long abdomen. They get their unusual name because an old wives tail tells us that these bugs would crawl into a person’s ear […]
Back-to-school time brings new books, new friends, homework in the evenings again and if you are one of the unlucky few, it may also mean head lice. In a school situation where children are in close quarters with hundreds of other children, lice can spread extremely quickly. Lice (plural of louse) are a parasite. They […]
It is extremely aggravating to water your plants only to see little tiny black bugs fly out and into the air surrounding the plant. If this happens to you, there is a good chance you have just encountered fungus gnats. These little black nuisance bugs lay their eggs in the soil of both indoor and […]
Floridians don’t love the Love Bug – especially, when these critters start feeling amorous in the months of May and September. During these months, these red and black flies swarm around the roadways and make themselves a nuisance to Florida drivers. What is the Love Bug? In reality, a Love Bug is not a bug […]
Although most Florida residents don’t think about grasshoppers too much, we do have a species here that can occasionally cause quite a bit of havoc. The eastern lubber grasshopper is found throughout the south-central United States, including Florida. It is a type of grasshopper that is not known for its jumping skills. In fact, it […]
There are some people who absolutely refuse to kill ladybugs. If they find them inside, they will gently move them outside so as not to harm them. For more than a thousand years, ladybugs have a reputation for being “helpful” bugs. In medieval times, ladybugs were thought to be sent from heaven in order to […]
What are they? Spider mites are pests that can normally be found on common household plants. They like indoor plants and outdoor plants. Just like their name implies, they are a type of arachnid or spider. They are extremely small and can often be difficult to see with the human eye. Some reports state they […]
It is so much fun getting together with friends and family for a summer BBQ. You’ve got dad at the grill working on the brawts and burgers. You’ve got the kids running around chasing each other and you’ve got the ladies sitting around enjoying each other’s company. But you’ve got a problem! There are flies […]
Several years ago, I was startled awake by a strange clanking noise. It was coming from outside and I couldn’t quite figure out what it was. I peeked out the front curtains only to see a raccoon in my front yard. It had an old metal coffee tin in its hand and after watching for […]
Nothing aggravates a bird lover any more than looking out at their bird feeders to see the squirrels getting into the food. There are reports of squirrels chewing through electrical wires and causing power outages, making nests (and huge messes) in the attic, or shredding through insulation to have babies. In Florida, there are three […]