With school back in full swing now, kids have a much easier time sharing things. Some share crayons. Some share homework or answers. And unfortunately, others share things such as chickenpox, lice and even, as some parents complain – chiggers! In Florida, the rates of reported chigger bites have been increasing steadily since 2008. However, […]
Chinch bugs are little tiny black pests that love to feast on St. Augustine grass. For Central Floridians, this is not a good thing. St. Augustine is a preferred grass here in the region, which means we must carefully watch for cinch bug infestations. Because the bugs are so tiny, in many cases, the homeowner […]
Scabies is a highly contagious skin condition caused by a mite called Sarcoptes scabiei. They burrow under the skin and lay eggs. Unfortunately, it can take up to 21 days after being infected to actually feel the symptoms of a scabies infestation. This is because the mite actually lays the eggs under the skin, but […]
There has been some very interesting technology news that relates to our area and we thought it would be a great idea to share these with you. * The 2014 Melbourne Air and Space Show took place a few weeks ago . This annual event is always a great time that combines fun and education […]
Although during the summer, the fall armyworm moth can fly pretty far throughout the eastern United States, they don’t much like the cold of the northern states. Therefore, they tend to congregate down south during the winter and can be found in Central and Southern Florida as well as Southern Texas. These little creatures are […]
There have been a lot of news stories lately about what’s known as the Puss caterpillar. Simply touching this little creature can send you to the hospital in excruciating pain. It is considered the most venomous caterpillar in the United States. The nature of the venom is such that it is extremely painful and irritating. […]
Although the rattlesnake species numbers are in decline, there are still plenty of rattlesnakes in the Florida region. There are relatively few deaths attributed to rattlesnake bites in the United States each year due to the easy availability of medical care and advances in medical treatments. Add to this that there are only about 8,000 […]
Flood advisories have been hitting the region recently due to the tremendous amount of rain we’ve been getting. Given that historically September and October are the hurricane season along the Eastern coast of Florida, we could be in for a range of storms in the next month. Floods can be especially damaging because looks are […]
Ever wanted to own a boa constrictor? Or how about becoming some homeless prairie dog’s human mom or dad? If you’ve ever had interest in owning an exotic pet, you need to check out Florida’s Exotic Pet Amnesty Program. What is it? This program, run by Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Committee, is designed to […]
In today’s world, we have many options and strategies for managing pests and insects, not only for farms, but also at the personal level. Outdoors, we can light citronella candles, use electronic pest systems, spray pesticides or use an insect repellant. Indoors, we can have a professional come spray, we can purchase insecticides from the […]