If you are a pet owner, then you know the importance of keeping your pet flea and tick free. Not only are they a harmful nuisance to your beloved fur baby, they can plague you and even make you severely ill. Most places only need to worry about these pests during the late spring and […]
Most people think of a different state when they think about an armadillo. The truth is that they are a very invasive species here in Melbourne, Florida. They are considered a digging animal and can ruin a yard in no time. They are affecting our undergrowth and taking a chunk out of our low-browse vegetation. […]
Floridians has some pretty spectacular insects. You have to go looking for most of them, but it’s hard to miss the Eastern Lubber grasshopper. The Eastern Lubber or Romalea Guttatta is probably the most well-known grasshopper in the Southeastern United States and is the largest variety. Even though their colors can vary, they usually have […]
Male grasshoppers will make a singing sound by rubbing a hind leg against one of their hard forewings. The rough leg causes the wing to vibrate and make a sound, almost like a bow playing a cello. Grasshoppers and orthopterans in general, produce sounds to attract mates or protect their territories. Grasshoppers can be identified […]
Like all insects the grasshopper has six legs, a head, thorax, and abdomen. Molting several times during its lifespan, it also has an exoskeleton which is a hard outer surface that protects its softer insides in an overlaying fashion similar to armor plating. A combination of two compound and three conventional eyes allows them to […]
Some grasshoppers can be major crop pests, such as the two-striped grasshopper, which is prevalent in North America and can completely destroy crops during a swarming outbreak. Similar to the foreboding locusts warned about in the Bible, grasshoppers can also swarm, wiping out entire crops in agricultural areas and devastating farming economies. According to the […]
Studying nature is a profoundly rewarding experience. With innumerable types of species, plethoras yet undiscovered, planet Earth has an infinitely complex array of life forms existing in the most extreme conditions imaginable. By understanding that in the vast microcosm of existence, all smaller systems are representative of a larger one. Adaptability is key to the […]
The conehead termite, formally known as the Nasutitermes Corniger, is not native to the United States. Originally found in the Caribbean, this species was found in the US in 2001 and as a result of concentrated effort, was thought to be eradicated in 2003. It’s back and that’s not good news. In recent months, the […]
Since the dawn of time, people have exchanged goods or services for other goods or services. And – unfortunately, since the dawn of time, there has always been somebody trying to take from that exchange what they didn’t earn. It seems officials find a way to stop one method of theft only to have the […]
We’re used to all kinds of bugs and pests here in Brevard County, Florida. In fact, if it bites, flies, buzzes, slithers or crawls, we’ve probably gotten a call on it at one time or another. And we’re used to ants. But there’s a new type of ant invading Florida that can cause some serious […]