You don’t want these insects hanging around and there is nothing lovable about them. They are commonly called kissing bugs because of their tendency to bite near the face and lips of mammals. They are blood suckers and therefore transmit disease. The solution to staying safe is fairly simple, but first, here is some more […]
Scorpions are found all across the United States, but of course are most common in desert climates. They are actually not insects. They have eight legs and are considered arachnids. They are ambush predators that hide behind and under stones, sticks, and other objects that provide cover. Yet, they are known to take up residence […]
Bed bugs have been making a comeback all across the world. It is said to be caused by the increase in global travel as well as DDT no longer being used. America has seen rampant infestations not just in hotels, but in homes, movie theaters, department stores and even libraries. Here are some practical tips […]
The name brown recluse strikes fear in the hearts of many people. It is a deadly spider that is great at hiding. They are most common in southern and Midwestern states of our nation, but can be found anywhere. Aside from being super careful when moving around boxes in your attic and basement, preventative measures […]
There is a common myth that insects die out during cold winter weather. They actually seek out the warmth provided within and around homes. Pest control treatment services are best kept year round. You don’t want to miss a vital treatment that would leave your home vulnerable to an infestation come spring time with warmer […]
Carpenter ants are the large black and shiny ants (reddish tinge for Florida species) that destroy your wooden structures, however, they do not eat what you think they do. They do not eat wood as their name would suggest. They actually consume a diverse diet. If you see carpenter ants around or in your home, […]
Bats are great for the environment. They help keep local insect populations down as they feast under the watch of the man on the moon. They pose very little threat to humans, unless they are pooping in your attic. Then you have a serious problem and a great need for professional help. Habitat Bats are […]
Despite their creepy extraterrestrial appearance, silverfish are not going to put you or your family in any immediate danger. But they are a nuisance and can cause damage to your food and paper goods including your walls or wallpaper. Regular pest control maintenance can keep these pests at bay and prevent a hard-to-detect infestation from […]
Those aren’t the sound of reindeer on your roof. If you hear scurrying or thumps, you have an attic invader trying to seek refuge in your home from the cold winter elements. The four most common are all rodents; squirrels, bats, rats, and mice. They all have the potential to transmit diseases and can cause […]
Florida is often thought of as the ideal place, a paradise per se. With the warm temperatures and palm trees, who could ask for more? It should come as no surprise to you that as much as people like these attributes in Florida, so do pests. And there is quite a list of pests that […]