Being scared of a house mouse is nothing compared to being in a dark barn with a hissing rat. Brevard County, Florida, surrounding areas, and several other states have dealt with rat infestations on every level possible, from a few to a few hundred. Seeing a single rat could mean that there are others, or […]
Moles are one of the tunneling creatures of the United States that cause problems with lawns and homes. Although there are other pests that can borrow and tunnel around your yard, moles are one the most common. Unfortunately, many people confuse moles with mole crickets, which both borrow under the soil. Moles tend to be […]
The crawlspace underneath your home is the gateway for many pests to welcome themselves into your home. There are air ducts, pipes, wiring, and several other areas in the crawlspace that will allow rodents, and other pests, easy access and mobility. The best way to avoid having to hire a pest control professional to eradicate […]
Relocating into a new home is a very exciting time. You are achieving the goals of many by owning your own home, and at the same time relocating into a better area for you and your family. However, sometimes moving into a new home can be added stress on the homeowner, especially if there are […]
There are millions of people who have attempted at least one do-it-yourself project. Some people have tried more than one. Those with another knowledge on a certain topic could potentially do a lot by themselves instead of hiring contractors and other licensed professionals to do it for them. When it comes to things like pest […]
An insect that stays out of sight during the day, but can easily make their way into your home is a millipede. Infestations normally do not occur until the weather becomes colder. For this reason, they seem to be more prominent in areas with warmer climates such as Brevard County Florida, and its surrounding sunny […]
The famous cockroach that strikes fear into the minds of homeowners is known to live for three to four months without any food source. However, they can only live for a short period of time without a water source. Preventing an infestation from occurring is easier said than done, as there are several ways that […]
In the state of Florida alone, there are over 220 ant species that have documentation of being recognized. Due to the climate of the state, exotic ants have found a way to survive within the state, making up 52 species out of the approximate 220. Because of the climate, Florida is the only state to […]
For centuries people have attempted to rid their crops, homes, and businesses of pests. Certain tools and pesticides were used to maintain healthy crops and rid the crops of pests that thrived on eating and ruining them. However, over the years, pest problems gradually made their way into homes, yards, and businesses. Taking care of […]
“Good night. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.” This is a little rhyme we all have heard time and time again. Mothers say it to their children when putting them to bed. As much as it is a cute little rhyme that we grew up hearing, these days, just hearing the term “bed […]