Nature has a way of taking care of itself. Natural defenses are built up over time by living organisms to protect themselves from danger. Animals develop horns, sharp teeth, thick coats of fur and various other defenses. Plants are no different. Today we will discuss chemical defenses used by plants to ward off destruction by […]
Nobody wants to pay a professional when there is a task that needs to be done and you can do it yourself. In fact, for something as simple as an ant infestation that is just beginning, we actually encourage people to give it a go on their own. If you are reading this and have […]
This is a topic which has become a weird one for people. Some people find invasive species to be a serious threat and worry about what they could do to the local flora and fauna. Others really don’t care about this topic or have just accepted it an resigned themselves to the fact that invasive […]
It may start as an occasional small mound of dirt or a new hole that wasn’t there yesterday. You could see a small trench cave in or there could be some mysterious feces in your yard. These are signs that a mole or a family of moles has moved in. What Are Moles? Moles are […]
We all know that smell, the faint skunk smell in the distance. It’s bad but not that bad from very far away. But, as anyone who has ever been sprayed by a skunk can tell you, it’s 1000 times worse than you can imagine up close. People often panic when they get sprayed and it […]
Florida is the perfect place to settle in and make a home. Its warm all year long and there is plenty of fresh water for multiple uses. Unfortunately, it also is the prefect environment for pests too. Keeping pests at bay can be a real challenge. You may clean your home a lot and still […]
So-called dust bunnies are a peculiar thing. You keep a clean home and do everything you are supposed to, yet when you look under the bed or behind some furniture there are these awful staring back at you. So, what exactly is a dust bunny? To put it simply, dust bunnies are balls of hair, […]
It’s true that when annoying ants, biting insects that fly or spiders get into our house, the risk of getting bitten goes up exponentially. It is also true that not everyone feels comfortable spraying RAID or HotShot around their home, and for good reason. Getting close to the creature with a rolled up newspaper also […]
Unfortunately, the disease called malaria has been rearing its ugly head in the United States again after being all but eradicated. Cases have popped up in both Florida and Texas. As you probably know, the mosquito is the number one transmitter of this sometimes deadly disease. What is Malaria? This disease has plagued humankind for […]
We probably all know that factories, warehouses and even auto-repair shops sometimes will keep a cat on location to combat any rodents that may be trying to make that location into their new home. Cats have long been known as a valuable tool in the overall effort to fight pests. But can dogs be used […]