Homeowners frequently attempt to try and manage pest problems on their own; however, the fact is that the majority of pests are best left to a pest professional. These experts have the training, knowledge, and tools needed to safely as well as efficiently exterminate pest infestations. Often when homeowners treat a pest problem by themselves, […]
Mayflies are not related to any true flies, such as a housefly. True flies have one set of wings, whereas, mayflies have two pairs. There are several species of mayflies. These slender insects are sometimes small at only 1 mm while others are up to 30 mm. Color varies in mayflies’ species, with most having […]
The flea is a small, wingless insect which feeds on its host blood, such as wildlife, domestic animal, and occasionally a human. Typically, fleas make their way to the inside of the home by way of a family pet. Complex flea infestations may appear to occur overnight. Eggs laid on pets are easily distributed throughout […]
Raccoons eat vegetation, other animals, and insects, making them omnivores. Their choice meal, however, depends on their location and they’re found everywhere in the U.S., except Alaska. For example, ones living near water may snatch a frog or crawfish from creeks and streams. Raccoons may also grab mice, steal bird’s eggs, or insects. These mammals […]
Rodents can be found in many homes throughout the country. They’re not prone to show up in one area or another. They’re likely to be almost anywhere. When it comes to removing them, a lot of people want to know why. They’re just trying to find a warm place to bring their families and sometimes […]
When it comes to buying a new home, you want to make sure that the home is inspected for all possible issues before you sign the paperwork. Typically, you will have a home inspection done that will check items such as the roof, HVAC system, plumbing, and electrical systems to ensure your home is safe. […]
Pests within a home can be annoying and it can also lead to many diseases. Rodents can leave behind their droppings, and in those droppings, is where diseases hide. In homes where they’re running around, this is not something that should be taken lightly. Removing them from the home can be tough to do on […]
Pest removal methods by professionals depend on what the pests are that they’re removing, as well as what the homeowner requests. Sometimes homeowners do not want to use chemicals or poisons in their homes. This can be done, but another method would have to be used. Here are some of the methods that you can […]
When it comes to pests in the home during the colder nights, you want to prevent them from entering the house if you can. This can reduce the chances of having any sort of pest infestation. Here are some tips from professionals in the pest control field that can help you reduce the chances of […]
Even though Florida is usually warm, it is important that you know which pests to keep your eyes peeled for. Many of them will try to find comfort within warmer homes since the temperatures outside do drop. With this in mind, here are some of the Florida pests out there. These pests are known to […]