Even though it has officially been hurricane season for a full three months, we are just now starting to see major action in the Atlantic hurricane corridor. As I write this article, Hurricane Florence is bearing down on the United States. Early storm models show that it will most certainly hit the Carolina region of […]
Here in Florida, we have a long and terrible relationship with mosquitoes. With some pests, we can say that they may have some redeeming qualities like they eat other pests or that they are food for animals we enjoy, such as birds. But, mosquitoes have no such redeeming quality. They simply exist to feed off […]
The West Nile Virus has been in the public consciousness for some time now. Many people don’t know what it is or how it can affect them. In this article we will explain what it is and what states have been affected by it. The virus is one that infects humans and animals and can […]
Last month we wrote two articles about snakes in Florida. Both articles were about non-venomous snakes you could find within the state. So, it is only fitting that for our third part of the snakes in Florida series, we write about the some venomous snakes. In this article we will go over both types of […]
It seems that almost any animal can make a go of it in Florida. Florida has some of the best zoos in the world because of its weather. This means a large % of living creatures can survive in our sub-tropical climate without risk of freezing or baking (like they would n a desert environment). […]
Its summertime and there is a high likelihood you will be attending a cookout at some point. Everyone is having a good time and then you notice there are pests trying to get at your delicious food. Swatting at them works temporarily but they keep coming back. Don’t let these pests ruin your cookout. Here […]
We love our area of Florida. It combines the warm weather and beach life of the tropics and a small town feel into one great place. Areas we serve are Melbourne, Beachside, Cocoa, Rockledge, Palm Bay, Kissimmee, St. Cloud and all the way down to north Vero. We have been here for almost 40 years! […]
If you live in Florida and like snakes, congratulations, because Florida is one of the best U.S. states to find snakes. The warm climate and wide open expanses of marshland cause snakes to thrive here. Also, their food supply, which usually consists of smaller creatures, is in great supply as well. If you do not […]
The Tegu lizard is a large reptile that can grow to be 3-4 long. It’s native land is Argentina, South America. They have been spotted in South Florida for years but apparently have made their way up the state and are now being spotted in small numbers in Brevard County. Lats year there was big […]
The other day I went for a nature hike through some wooded trails. I encountered no less than three snakes in this 60 minute trek. Each one of them scattered when they realized I was walking down the path. People tend to think of snakes as an aggressive creature that is dangerous, and in some […]