As a home owner or renter, one thing you encounter from time to time is pest invasion. Bugs are trying to gain access to your home for food and shelter. A lot of the time, a resident can stem the pest invasion with some pest repellent, bait, or spray. But once the home gets a […]
Most Central Floridians don’t mind the cool off that comes with December and January. It gets just cool enough where we welcome the return to the 70 and 80 degrees in March and April. At night it can get down close to freezing for a week or two on end. This causes all animals to […]
You cut the grass. You water it. You add fertilizer to it. It gets plenty of sun. So what is up with the dead brown spots? Well, you may have a pest problem. There are a bunch of living creatures just below the surface of your yard. Some are actually good for your grass. Earthworms, […]
When discussing what insects creep people out, the usual examples come up right away. People will talk about spiders, scorpions, stink bugs or anything with a stinger. Another insect that is brought up often is the centipede (and/or its cousin the millipede). People seem to be creeped out by all the moving legs. There is […]
Wednesday is Halloween. Kids and parents alike will be walking through neighborhoods collecting candy in this tradition. Though the holiday started in Ireland, the United States, Mexico and Canada celebrate Halloween as well. It is important to remember safety with all of these people and especially young kids out and about during twilight hours. The […]
Beetles are one of those creatures that most of us don’t think about very often. You may see a bunch in the spring or hear one smash against your window at night and be reminded that they exist. But, for the most part, they are not in the forefront of our minds. What Are They […]
You may have had experience with the little bug known as a stink bug, especially if you have lived up north. They tend to leave an odor around them that is not so pleasant, hence the name stink bug. But the bug has been a major pest for farmers throughout the southeast and into the […]
You’re laying in bed. Maybe you’re reading or just enjoying the silence when you hear a scratching sound. Or you a hear a commotion that is muffled and maybe even a squawk. You study where where the sound emanated from and you realize it is in the attic. Chances are you have birds. There are […]
In Central Florida, we are very familiar with reptiles and amphibians. You don’t have to travel far from your front door to find them before you will run into one or the other. In fact, many people don’t have to leave their house at all. Frogs and especially lizards have a tendency to find their […]
Often we will go on a service call about ants and the customer appears to be dumbfounded. They put out some ant bait and the ants walk right by it. They ask if the bait is defective. Usually it turns out that they used the wrong kind of trap for the type of infestation they […]