Spring is upon us. You will notice the bees on flowers and those annoying love-bugs doing their thing too. The days get a little longer, the sun gets a little warmer. This time of year activates the gene in all types of creatures. They start to search for food, mate and expand their territory. This […]
Moths are viewed by most as a harmless creature you see at night, fluttering around almost like a butterfly. They are not harmful to the human body in any way and at most, seem to be just a tiny nuisance. However, once inside your home they can do some serious damage to your wardrobe. You […]
Something we have become very accustomed to living here in Brevard County is seeing (and in some cases hearing) a rocket streaking overhead while leaving a trail of smoke behind. When you live here, it becomes so commonplace you barely notice it anymore. But one thing residents have noticed lately is the lack of rocket […]
Once thought of as a mild annoyance, the tick has shown itself to be very dangerous to humans and animals in recent decades. A tick “borrowing” some of your blood to live on is the least of your concerns when it comes to these parasites. They carry diseases that can drastically change the life of […]
Snakes freak most people out. And even the people they don’t freak out would be alarmed if they opened the closet door and a snake slithered out. So, what should you do if you find a snake inside your house? We have compiled a short list of steps your should take. Try Not to Freak […]
You’ve heard the saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That popular saying can apply to many facets of life. One in which it is definitely true is with pest control. Taking an hour now to prevent pest invasion can save you many hours and dollars in the future. We’ve […]
If there are bed bugs in the property you rented and you are showing signs of being bitten, contact the property owner/manager and let them know. They need to get that taken care of right away. You can also discuss with them what they can do to make the situation right with you. Maybe a […]
The answer to this is yes and no. The bait does what it is supposed to. Insects grab the bait and take it back to the nest and this aids in eliminating many of the pest insects. But it is not a one treatment solution. Nor is it a one time “set and forget” solution. […]
As with many things in life, the answer to the question above is subjective. Some people just see little rodents that run around their yard while others see squirrels as their pet. Do we get calls about squirrels? Almost never. If people end up with squirrels in their attic or something they usually patch the […]
Every year many people pick a new years resolution, something they want to change or start doing in their life. For many people, it is something along the lines of losing weight or quitting smoking. This year, add getting rid of those annoying spiders to the list! You know what I mean. You sweep out […]