Almost anywhere you go on Earth you will have to deal with bugs. And a portion of these bugs are biters. Most of them don’t bite for the thrill of it. They felt threatened in some way and reacted in self-defense. Conversely, some bugs may bite you because they want to feast on your blood. […]
The start of the 2019 Hurricane season is just a few days away. Hurricanes are a yearly threat to Floridians as we are directly in the path of “Hurricane Alley”. This area is named this because of the disproportionately large amount of hurricanes that occur there, more so than any other part of the world. […]
The CDC states that lemon eucalyptus oil is “comparable to DEET in effectiveness”. After all, no one wants to spray chemicals on their body. But, when you have mosquitoes dive-bombing you every three seconds, you do what you have to do. But, if this natural repellent can work just as well, it is a no-brainer. There can […]
What is West Nile Virus? It is a single-stranded RNA virus that causes the host to run a fever and have other flu-like symptoms. It is a member of the Flaviviridae family of viruses which contain yellow, dengue and Zika. Other symptoms may include rash, swollen lymph nodes, tremors and even paralysis. The worst cases […]
Florida is home to various species of woodpecker. They are often looked at as harmless species that attract some fascination by humans. They are pretty birds and are a favorite of many birdwatchers. But, what happens when a woodpecker decides to start knocking on your house? Why is it doing that? How can you stop […]
If you live in Central Florida you were definitely affected by “love bugs” this past week. This little black bug (and their attached mate) swarm the area this time every year for about a week and cover everything with their presence. I noticed that this year was especially bad for my house as they seemed […]
Florida is home to many beautiful species of birds. There are hundreds of different types of birds found in Florida. Many of them can be found around your yard. Bird lovers like to put bird feeders and bird baths in their yard to help the animal and to enjoy the company of it at the […]
Even though our profession is to alleviate pest problems, our number goal is to serve Brevard County. We love our community and hope you do too. In this post we will list some of the upcoming public events for the local area. We hope to see you there! May 2, 2019 The Illusionists Live from […]
If you have seen gnats flying around your house there is a good chance those gnats are actually fruit flies, and boy are they annoying. The pest usually enters the home on ripened fruit that you bring home. This is because there are tiny eggs that were laid on the fruit. They hatched after you […]
In this article we are going to go over some simple steps you can take to prevent spiders from coming into your house. Your home may never be “spider-proof” but it can be spider resistant. In the United States there are over 3400 species of spider. As you know, insects are everywhere, especially where humans […]