We have discussed termites before. This is because this single pest causes more damage to homes in Florida than any other. They cause billions of dollars in damage. Here are some facts about termites: The termite has been on Earth for over 100 million years. There are three main groups of termite in Florida: the […]
Florida has warm weather most of the year. People live in this state to avoid the cold winter months. The mild temperatures in winter make Florida desirable to human beings but also to other species of animal. Bugs, reptiles, rodents, you name it.. If it breathes, it can live in Florida. It is for this […]
Raccoons appear to be cute little animals wearing their trademark “robber’s mask” while they meander around the yard. But, Raccoons can cause homeowners a lot of headaches. The animal can be a nuisance when it comes to destroying property. They get into trash, under the house, into the attic. But, Raccoons can be more than […]
As well as treating many homes in Brevard County, Sunstate Pest also treats a large number of businesses as well. One type of business in particular is especially attractive to pests. Restaurants are a beacon for any living organism. The place offers shelter, food and water. As the temperatures can creep down into the 30’s […]
Well, not in Brevard County anyway. But south of here a few hours where Iguanas have become a permanent resident, they are literally falling from the trees. The recent cold front had temperatures in Central and South Florida dipping into the low 40’s to high 30’s. Although unusual for South Florida, the temperature dip is […]
You probably remember when you were a kid in school how they would get the class to line up and check each student’s hair for head lice. They still do that today. There is always a lice outbreak going on somewhere in the state of Florida. Brevard County has its fair share of lice problems […]
With a vision to serve the Brevard County community by offering a great service, we started Sunstate Pest Management in the year 1980. That was 40 years ago! Its hard to believe how the the time has flown by. Thousands of customers later Sunstate Pest is still here and going strong. The battle against pest […]
You have reached your wit’s end with these pests and now you want to put a stop to them for good. You are in good company. Nearly 84% of homes experience a pest problem every year. Hiring a professional can make sure the job is done correctly and as quickly as possible. Now you must […]
You most probably have heard about the important role honeybees play in the role of pollination on Earth. The bee is vital in the reproduction of plants. Humans depend on plants for food, both to eat and to feed to our livestock. So, when honeybee colonies started collapsing and the number of active bees started […]
Most house spiders are not dangerous to humans or pets. But spiders are considered creepy and undesirable by a large majority of people. You definitely don’t want to be enjoying your conversation with someone and looks down and there is a spider crawling up yours or their leg. Not cool. So, we have gathered some […]