We have all had them, those annoying tiny flies that show up one day and seem to be everywhere. And they are next to impossible to swat. The dreaded fruit fly has made its way into your home and now you are doing battle with them. I say ‘them’ because by the time you see […]
Floridians know a thing or two about mosquito bites. If you have lived here or spent any time here, you have been a victim of the mosquito bite. In Central Florida, mosquitoes are a year-round threat, although we do see much more mosquito activity in the spring, summer and fall than the winter months. We […]
The Murder Hornet (aka Asian Giant Hornet) gets its nickname from the fact that it literally kills people. Originating in Japan, the hornet is large and dangerous. It was responsible for 50 deaths in Japan last year alone. The hornet (Vespa mandarinia) has a quarter inch stinger than can be used repeatedly. This is unlike […]
You are probably familiar with mothballs, those little white orbs that stink to high heaven. They seem such a part of the culture that you can almost smell a mothball in your mind when someone mentions them. But there has been an effort to get away from using mothballs. If you search for them on […]
A side effect of much less automobile traffic is that there have been less animals hit by them on the roads. This number is actually significant enough that homeowners are reporting an uptick in home and garden pests nationwide. The phenomenon is especially being noticed up and down the east coast and even written about […]
I know, an American vs German cockroach sounds like something from a WW2 propaganda campaign. But in reality, these are the two roaches you are most likely to encounter in your home here in Central Florida. In this article we are going to go over the two pests and explain the differences in them. We […]
Any insect that has the word “carpenter” in the name is not going to be a good thing. Because as the name implies, it will devour or destroy wood. Most every home is at least partially made of wood. Damaged wood can cause a weaker structure of your home and decrease the value and living […]
The Gecko is a lizard that is found in most warm climates throughout the world. They have been made exceptionally popular by the insurance company Geico. They picked this lizard as their mascot because the words sound so similar. GEICO is actually an acronym for Government Employees Insurance Company. It used to only be available […]
“I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?” Famous lyrics from the band Creedence Clearwater Revival. These lyrics seem appropriate this month in Brevard County. There has been very little rainfall. Front yards are turning brown and the sun is beaming down. This got us us thinking that a good topic for this blog […]
We have all been on self isolation or practicing social distancing in an effort to prevent this COVID-19 virus from spreading to ourselves and our loved ones. Many businesses have shuttered their doors or have sent their employees to work from home. People are at home much more now than ever before and that means […]