There may have been times where you notice a large scary looking wasp and thought “what is that giant thing?”. Your next thoughts were probably something like “I’d really hate to get stung by it.” One of the several types of wasps you can find in central Florida is called a “Cicada Hawk” or “Cicada […]
If you have had a run in with fire ants in your yard or elsewhere in Brevard County, you know that it is not a pleasurable experience at all. Sometimes you don’t even know these things have crawled on you until they start biting. And boy does it hurt. Not only does it hurt while […]
One of the areas we serve is the City if Melbourne. Sunstate Pest has been serving Melbourne for 40 years. We have seen the city grow and change in that time. But one thing that has not changed are pests. That’s why you can count on Sunstate Pest for pest control in your home or […]
According to the Washington Post, 68% of households have a cat or dog. Some have both. In this article we want to name the pests that affect your furry buddy the most. Which pests are most harmful to your faithful companion? Fleas Fleas absolutely love cat and dog fur. The flea is able to live […]
There is a school of though that people being home more now because of the pandemic has made them more aware of their existing pest issue that went unnoticed before. That is definitely happening. But the fact that people are home more means that their activity is also attracting more pests. As restaurants and businesses […]
If you have not tried to plant or grow flowers, you may not have any experience with aphids. This is a tiny insect that is more or less a parasite that feeds on budding plants. They are called a “sap-sucking insect” and are from the superfamily Aphidoidea. There are many different species of this insect […]
We have all had them, those annoying tiny flies that show up one day and seem to be everywhere. And they are next to impossible to swat. The dreaded fruit fly has made its way into your home and now you are doing battle with them. I say ‘them’ because by the time you see […]
Floridians know a thing or two about mosquito bites. If you have lived here or spent any time here, you have been a victim of the mosquito bite. In Central Florida, mosquitoes are a year-round threat, although we do see much more mosquito activity in the spring, summer and fall than the winter months. We […]
The Murder Hornet (aka Asian Giant Hornet) gets its nickname from the fact that it literally kills people. Originating in Japan, the hornet is large and dangerous. It was responsible for 50 deaths in Japan last year alone. The hornet (Vespa mandarinia) has a quarter inch stinger than can be used repeatedly. This is unlike […]
You are probably familiar with mothballs, those little white orbs that stink to high heaven. They seem such a part of the culture that you can almost smell a mothball in your mind when someone mentions them. But there has been an effort to get away from using mothballs. If you search for them on […]