Owls are like having your very own pest control agent living in the trees. The more owls you have in your area, the less trouble you will have with small rodents. This is because owls prefer to eat small rodents such as mice or rats over any other food option. The owl uses its superior […]
If you are running a business in which customers visit the premises, having good pest control is a must. In fact, it should be considered as important to your business as having running water or electricity. In the age of social media and Google search, it only take one bad inspection or one customer run-in […]
The common pest is much smaller than us. They are so small that the human eye doesn’t even pick them up unless you are very close to them (and sometimes not at all). This makes it very hard to spot them as they scurry around in your home. Not to mention the fact that some […]
The term “exterminator” is one that is widely used and basically means a person or company which specializes in neutralizing pests. You would see the term used a lot more in years past to describe basically any company which handled pest problems. Today, pest control is used to describe a company which will work to […]
We are all pretty confident that we don’t have bedbugs living in our home with us. We change the sheets, groom the dog and bathe often. But all it takes is a stay in a not-so-clean hotel and you can bring these nasty little things back to your abode. Bedbugs are tiny bloodsucking parasites which […]
We all get very busy in our every day life which includes family and work. Sometimes we get so busy we don’t even notice subtle changes in and around our yard. One day you may notice a large number of buzzing insects in your yard and discover that they are bees. If there are a […]
As Sunstate Pest has grown over the past four decades so has our territory. We are able to serve new clients in farther away places in an ever increasing capacity. When we started back in 1980, our service area was a large section of Brevard County. The majority of our clients were in Rockledge, where […]
Possums are a funny looking creature. People either think they are cute and adorable or they think they looks scary. They are a creature you will see from time to time if you live in a suburb. What are Possums? Though many people automatically assume a possum is a rodent of some sort because of […]
I know that in popular culture we use phrases like the one in the title as sort of a way to make a strong statement. “No child left behind” and “one Covid death is one too many” are great examples of this. But when we say one roach is one too many we really mean […]
Sunstate Pest has been going strong for over 40 years and that is because of our great customers in the Brevard County area. Without them our business would not have thrived as it has. In this article, we would like to list the areas we cover with a brief description of each area. Rockledge Florida […]