We often write our blogs about pest control as pertaining to apartment buildings, homes or business spaces. One type of living space often not mentioned by pest control articles is assisted living complexes. These buildings offer their own unique set of challenges for those looking to control pests. In this article we will go over […]
Bed bugs survive by living in furniture, most commonly bedding, and feasting on your blood while you are asleep. They should call them vampire bugs instead as “bed bugs”, which sounds way more innocent than they actually are. While you sleep they crawl on you and bite into your flesh. This is their main source […]
Pest management is the regulation of any living organism described as a pest that has adverse effects on humans, their activities, and possessions. Different types of organisms are classified as pests, including insects, worms, birds, locusts, weevils, weeds (plant pests), and rodents. Pests can either be found in an agricultural setting like the farm or […]
Termites are active all year long. Once they have infested your house, they can cause damage at any time, regardless of the weather. Spring is a big season for termites since it is the swarming season, and they are visibly more active. At this time of the year, male and female reproductives (termite swarmers) leave […]
Winter in Brevard County is very warm compared to most of the continental United States. Its true that we do have cold spells and many plants do suffer during these times. Leaves fall off certain trees and in North Florida it is hard to distinguish where Georgia ends and Florida begins. Down here in Central […]
Living in Florida definitely has its benefits. Warm weather, ocean water and thousands of nature trails are just some of the many great things about living in Florida. Other creatures like Florida as much as we do. The red fire ant is no exception. The red ant is an invasive species from Brazil. The red […]
The housefly is something which has probably been burned into your memories as far back as you can remember. You probably remember one getting in the house and one of your parents going after it with a fly swatter or rolled up newspaper. Have you ever put much thought into this insect? In case you […]
Melbourne City in Florida is one of the most desirable places to live in because of its summer weather. However, this beautiful weather comes along with common household pests that you have to deal with. The warm temperature and humidity offer the ideal environment for creepy crawlers to thrive in. Even though some of these […]
Bed bugs are small, flat, reddish-brown parasitic insects that feed on human and animal blood every five to ten days. Their small size (about 1mm-7mm in length) and flat bodies enable them to fit easily in cracks and crevices of walls, windows, floors, furniture, and on beds, making it hard to spot them. They are […]
Usually our blog posts are about how you can reduce your exposure to pests or about how you can eliminate them once you are exposed. This article will be a bit different. In this article we would like to discuss two species of bee which researches are asking the general public if they have seen. […]