If you regularly read news stories on your mobile device or watch them on TV then you have noticed that hantavirus has been talked about a great deal in recent weeks. That is due the to the situation surrounding Gene Hackman. He was a very successful actor whose career took off in the 70’s and […]
You’ve probably heard that baiting a trap with cheese is a great idea. That’s just one of many pest control myth which simply are not true. In this article we will review some of these myths and set the record straight. Most pest control myths are passed down from generation to generation by word-of-mouth, pop […]
Parasite: (noun) An organism that lives on or in a host organism and derives its nutrients, shelter, or other benefits at the host’s expense. Just the definition is enough to make your skin crawl. Knowing that creatures exist simply to live off your flesh is an unsettling thought. Throw in the fact that they can […]
As long as there have been humans there have been what we consider to be pests. Critters that either invade our space or try to live on our food scraps have been a problem since the dawn of mankind. We have looked for ways to attack the pest problem since our earliest days on Earth. […]
Pests are more than just a common nuisance – they are intelligent when it comes to survival and evading humans. They’ve been this way for millions of years. Understanding how they operate helps us to attack them where they are most vulnerable. In this guide, we’ll uncover the secret lives of common household pests and […]
Some people say that small businesses are the life blood of a community. They are owned and operated by your neighbors and the money they generate all stays local. Unlike department or chain stores which syphon the money back to a home office or headquarters in another state (or country), local small businesses are solely […]
Pests come is all shapes and sizes. A pest is essentially an unwanted creature that has made entrance into your home or yard. They can be a mild nuisance or they can be a severe problem. Termites alone account for $5B worth of damage to homes every year in the United States. They affect over […]
Having served Brevard County and Central Florida for 45 years in the pest control industry has allowed us to see first hand how pests behave. We see which pests are most prevalent during each and every season. Although our winter season is only a month or two long, we definitely notice an uptick in calls […]
Having been in business for well over 40 years, we have tended to notice trends and statistics. Although it may seem obvious that pests are more active in summer months, especially if you are up north where it gets much colder, nothing reinforces this fact more than the amount of calls we get in summer […]
The name “bedbug” doesn’t sound menacing but when you get down to the nitty-gritty of what they are, that perception might change. Cimex lectularius is the species name of what we call the common bed bug. These parasites only live to infest your bed, couches, clothing and carpet, where they feed on your blood. It […]