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Alternatives to Mothballs

You are probably familiar with mothballs, those little white orbs that stink to high heaven. They seem such a part of the culture that you can almost smell a mothball in your mind when someone mentions them.

But there has been an effort to get away from using mothballs. If you search for them on Amazon there are very few results that show up. The reason for this is that mothballs are toxic.

They are made from either naphthalene or para-dichlorobenzene. These chemicals react with the air and start breaking down right away giving off a strong odor. This odor repels moth and other pests but a side effect is that they also repel house-guests and friends. LOL

But seriously, the two chemicals I mention above are toxic to humans too and have shown to cause cancer in mice in laboratory experiments. Your kids or pests could get into these things and that would be bad news.

It is recommended that you do not use moth balls in attics or storage rooms and various other places because of the dangers they present. They must only be used in air-tight containers. If you can smell a mothball then you are being exposed to its chemical fumes.


There are some other items which you can place in areas you want to repel moths.

  • Cloves
  • Lavender
  • Cedar Chips

These may not be as effective as the chemical mothball but they are a lot less dangerous.

Having your home treated once per month by a professional pest control expert is a great way to prevent the infestation of moths and other insects that want to feed on materials inside your home. You can call your local pest expert and ask them what plans they offer. They are sure to have a plan available that fits your needs and schedule.

01 May

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