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where do termites come from?

All About Termites – Our Wood-Eating Foe

We all know what termites are. These tiny creatures are the most feared pests by homeowners. They can silently chomp away at your home’s structure for years without you knowing. In this article we want to delve more into the history and habits of this wood-eating insect in order to help you learn about it.

The first termites appeared on Earth about 150 million years ago. This period of time is called the Jurassic period and yes, as the name implies, there were dinosaurs. There was also a plethora of new tree growth spreading throughout the Earth’s surface. Any living organism is a source for energy and trees are no exception. The termite came about because there was a wealth of stored energy just sitting there waiting to be exploited.

Termites live in what is called a caste system. This means that there is a hierarchy within the nest. They are made up of the reproductive caste, the worker caste and the soldier caste. Each termite has its own pheromone which gives it its caste identity. Termites are the oldest known organism to have this complex social structure.

Not Just Wood

Termites are known to feed on other sources of energy besides wood. They have been observed feasting on bone and other parts of animal carcasses. There are dinosaur fossils found in China that also have fossilized termites in them.

Termites prefer cellulose like wood and plant material. This food source gives them the best bang for their buck and serves a dual purpose. It can be their food source as well as their shelter. They huddle together in their tunnels to stay warm and lay their eggs. Imagine living in a structure made from your favorites foods. You would never have to send out for delivery again.

Termites as a Pest

Because wood is such an amazing building material, humans and termites compete for the same resource. This causes us to clash with the tiny but destructive creature. Pest control companies like ours have devised methods to basically keep them away from your home’s wooden elements.

Protective barriers are buried in your yard which repel termites. The wood is also sprayed with a treatment that serves the same purpose. We issue something called a termite bond which states that the wood has been treated and that the treatment is good for X amount of time. Termite bonds can last from 1-10 years.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this little lesson on termites. Stay tuned to our blog for interesting content like this.

16 Oct

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