
Month: July 2024

Leaks in pools - what to do - Florida

Why Florida Pools Are More Prone to Leaks

When you own a pool in South Florida, you can expect to experience some unique environmental challenges, which make it more prone to leaks. Let’s discuss why this happens and what you can do about it. First, the region’s year-round sunshine can be harsh on your swimming pool. The intense sunlight bakes the surface, making […]

26 Jul
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Peter's Rock Agama in Brevard County

Have You Seen This Colorful Lizard Where You Live?

A lizard with an orange, tan or red head and tail with a dark main torso has been spotted all along Brevard County this summer. In fact, the other day I was filling up at 7-11 and saw one on the side wall of the building. So, what are these lizards that now call Brevard […]

19 Jul
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